Saturday, April 30, 2011

OKANEMOCHI! (Tyler's favorite word.)

Yes, we made the bank teller in Austin take 
cheesy pictures of us with our yen. >_>

We leave for Tokyo on May 16! I can't believe it's so soon.

If anyone is wondering what "totorini" (the url) means, here's your answer. First off, I had many awesome url names in mind before choosing it, but since Blogger has a huge user database, pretty much everything was taken. At any rate, totorini is the name Erin and I came up with for chibi-Totoro when we were little. I know a lot of you coming to this page probably don't know what Totoro is, so to elaborate, chibi-Totoro is a character in one of Hayao Miyazaki's animated films, My Neighbor Totoro. Miyazaki has also made Spirited Away, Ponyo, and about a million other amazing movies that everyone should watch. I won't go into a lot of detail because you either (a) are rolling your eyes that I have to waste time explaining this or (b) were lost at the word Ponyo. Anyways, the word has no real relevance to this blog except for that it has to do with a Japanese movie, and the blog is about our trip to Japan. 


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