Saturday, May 21, 2011

The exploring begins!

We've been walking like crazy all over Tokyo for the past two days. Sorry for the lack of updates, but we've been so tired by the end of the day. On our first day, Tyler and I went to Kamata, a station about ten to fifteen minutes away by train by ourselves. We had no clue what we were doing. We tried to be adventurous and go even further, but we got scared and turned around. Then Tyler's card stopped working at the gate. He kept trying to swipe it through other gates, but they kept buzzing and blocking him from leaving. This went on for a good five minutes, and by the end of it, there was a good sized crowd of Japanese salary men laughing at him from the other side. It was sad but hilarious. We ate tempura in Kamata and bought slippers -- but there are NO sizes big enough for Tyler's feet. We have to wear them in the dorm, so he crams into tiny shoes every day. 

We went back later and visited an AWESOME
anime store. It was HUGE.

Yesterday we went to Shinjuku and Shibuya. We saw the Hachiko statue, but it was too dark, so we didn't get pictures. We'll definitely go again. More to come soon! Akihabara, Asakusa and Ueno! Ja mata!

The famous crosswalk in Shibuya!

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