Tuesday, June 14, 2011


We're a bit late in posting these, but we went to Hakone last week and stayed in a ryokan. It was traditional, Japanese themed, so we slept on tatami mats and were served a Japanese breakfast the next morning. The view from our room was of the beautiful mountains in Hakone and a river, so we really got the full experience. There was an open air onsen on the top floor, overlooking the mountains and river, which was super refreshing. When we were leaving, the hotel owner came out and wouldn't stop giving us gifts, telling us he was our 'ojiisan,' which means grandpa. He was super cute. We didn't get to see much of the town, but from what we did get to explore, everything was mountainous and beautiful. 

Our beds

Headed to the onsen in our yukata!

The view from our room.

Traditional Japanese breakfast.

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