Friday, July 8, 2011

Disney Sea!

On Tuesday, Tyler and I visited Disney Sea! It's such a different experience than Tokyo Disneyland, much more young adult-oriented. There were a ton of good roller coasters (Tower of Terror, Journey to the Center of the Earth, etc.), so we had a blast. On top of that, they sell beer there, which was awesome -- don't worry adults reading this blog, we only had one beer, but it was still fun having it surrounded by Disney themes -- in a "Mexican" food restaurant, nonetheless. I never thought I'd miss TexMex so much in my life. Fun fun fun.

Disney-themed train to the park.

There was real water streaming across the
ocean parts of the globe!

Everyone wears ears in Disney parks in Tokyo!
Marie (from Aristocats) and Pooh!

Tyler posing as Ariel with the castle in the

Under the sea!


Tyler didn't like the Tower of Terror. LOL.

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